International Academic Conferences 2024

Our conferences are STANDARD (ONSITE) and VIRTUAL.
- if the standard (onsite) conference has to be canceled due to coronavirus, each conference participants will receive (as participants of the virtual conference) a certificate and their articles will be published in the conference proceedings complete with ISBN.

Virtual 2024 - October VIRTUAL
*VIAC-TLEl - Teaching, Learning and E-learning
*VIAC-MEM - Management, Economics and Marketing
*VIAC-TLTS - Transport, Logistics, Tourism and Sport Science

Conference Program Dates
Friday, October 25, 2024

Keynote speaker
Prof. Dr. Fethi Kayalar
Erzincan University, Faculty of Education, Turkey

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Budapest 2024 - December (HUNGARY) ONSITE + VIRTUAL
*IAC-GETL - Global Education, Teaching and Learning
*IAC-MEBM - Management, Economics, Business and Marketing
*IAC-ETITAI - Engineering, Transport, IT and Artificial Intelligence

Conference Program Dates
Sunday - Monday, December 1 - 2, 2024

Keynote speaker
Prof. Dr. Fethi Kayalar
Erzincan University, Faculty of Education, Turkey


Includes the guided city tour of Budapest or Boat trip
- Christmas markets


About the Conferences

International Academic Conferences are an important international gathering of scholars, educators and PhD students. IAC 2024 will take place in conference facilities located in Budapest / Vienna / Prague, the touristic, business and historic center of the Hungary / Austria / Czech Republic.

Conference language: English language

Conferences organized by the Czech Institute of Academic Education z.s. in cooperation with the Czech Technical University in Prague.

Database indexing (for conference proceedings): EBSCO (Central & Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS)), Google books and national libraries.

Publishing offer for year 2024 (possibility of free publishing for our conference participants):

The Journal of Corporate Governance, Insurance, and Risk Management (JCGIRM)

E-mentor - a peer-reviewed academic journal

Contact email: info@conferences-scientific.cz